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ISRO to develop ECLSS: What is ECLSS & its Components?

ISRO to develop ECLSS

ISRO ECLSS Development!

The head of ISRO, S Somanath, recently mentioned that ISRO will make its own environmental control and life support system (ECLSS) for the upcoming Gaganyaan mission. We tried to buy it from other countries, but it didn't work out, so now we’re going to create it ourselves.

Addressing the challenges faced by the Gaganyaan program, he highlighted India's continuous efforts in building knowledge, enhancing design capabilities, and reaching the pinnacle with the Indian human space flight program.

We lacked experience in creating an environmental control life support system as our focus was on designing rockets and satellites. Initially, we hoped to acquire this knowledge from other countries, but despite extensive discussions, no one was willing to share it with us. Consequently, ISRO has decided to independently develop the ECLSS. We plan to harness our existing knowledge and utilize our domestic industries for this purpose," he explained. 

Why ECLSS Important for Gaganyaan?

The Gaganyaan project aims to showcase the ISRO's ability to send humans into space. This involves sending a crew into orbit at 400 km above Earth and safely bringing them back by landing in the waters of the Indian Sea.

We are going on a Mission, everyone is helping as well. For example: ROSCOSMOS has trained the Astronauts Underwater, and NASA is willing to help in various aspects. However, the foremost technology we need is no one is willing to share. The reasons could be valid. Hence, we tried to buy it from other countries, but it didn't work out, so now we’re going to create it ourselves, isn’t it fascinating as an Indian?

Now let’s get to know about the game changing technology ISRO is hunting. 

ECLSS important for GaganyaanECLSS & its Components

What is ECLSS?

In the ever-changing world of space exploration, the importance of advanced Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) is crucial. As we journey through the vastness of space, prioritizing the long-term well-being of astronauts is a top priority.

ECLSS leads in space technology, smoothly combining different systems to sustain a livable environment for astronauts on lengthy missions. Unlike standard life support systems, ECLSS surpasses basic oxygen renewal, dealing with crucial elements like water recovery, temperature control, and air quality.

Components of ECLSS Technology

What is ECLSS?

#Oxygen Generation

Securing a steady oxygen source is essential for extended space missions. Advanced methods, such as electrolysis and chemical processes, make it possible to produce oxygen from existing resources, lessening the reliance on external provisions.

#Water Recovery

Effective water recycling is crucial for continuous space travel. ECLSS utilizes advanced filtration and purification techniques to extract and cleanse water from diverse sources within the spacecraft. I cannot go deep with this!

#Temperature & Humidity Control

Ensuring astronauts' comfort and well-being relies on maintaining ideal temperature and humidity levels in the spacecraft. ECLSS utilizes state-of-the-art thermal control systems to manage these conditions effectively.

#Air Quality Management

ECLSS guarantees ongoing surveillance and purification of the spacecraft's air, removing impurities and averting the accumulation of noxious gases. This thorough strategy for managing air quality protects the health of astronauts during prolonged missions.

ISRO Future:

In future deep space missions, efficient resource use is crucial. Resupplying air and water won't be feasible due to vast distances, and carrying enough on a spacecraft is impractical. To enhance sustainability, we need to keep boosting the efficiency and reliability of current systems and knowledge, reducing the need for spare parts. We also need to actively develop regenerative life support technology to maximize the recycling of water and oxygen. This innovation aims to sustain life and enable ISRO to explore deeper into space than ever before!

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